Moving to the ORG world.


Hey guys, the time has come. I will be moving my domain over to a self hosted server and I will be saying good bye to I’ve been with for 4 years. Since I don’t know what I’m doing things might go a little weird and if anyone out there reads this blog and checks in regularly for updates, bear in mind that the blog might go down for couple of days in the next week or so. I hope not but my knowledge is pretty limited and just getting the domain transferred to bluehost was “interesting” but now it’s done and it’s just a matter of time until the “move” actually takes place. As soon as that’s done I will bring over all the contents of my blog and will also move over all of you who have singed up for updates via email or follow me via WP.

I love this platform and I will miss it. I just can’t do a few things I wanna do. Hopefully my relocation won’t end up in disaster.  I will keep the same domain so nothing should change dramatically. I will be working on a new look for the blog and I will be adding a few new features like a recipe index and other cool things!



ah! this is a blood orange btw. See you on the other side! Wish me luck! Let’s find out what’s this blogging environment is all about.

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    1. yeah, im pretty curious myself . So far, still waiting for the domain to transfer. Not sure why it has to take days. It’s not like they fedex across the world… maybe they do 😛

  1. By the way, how long did you domain transfer take? I was waiting for mine to take 24-72 hours as per the instructions… But within 2 minutes it was done! haha

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