

Hi, it’s Paul here, welcome to  


A little info about this site. I started this blog sometime in 2013 with the intention of writing down some notes on cooking and baking while. I wanted to learn how to make lentil soup and bake bread to name a few. Today I know how to make lentil soup and bread (I like to think that I do) and somewhere along the way I got totally addicted to cooking. Naming this blog… I obviously had no idea what to call it so I went for the some generic thing just so I didn’t have to deal with it (that kind of stuff gets in the way of cooking!). This blog is dedicated to my love and passion for food and photography. I hope you enjoy it and take something from it.




A few questions you might have:


What sort of cooking will you find on this blog?

It’s pretty random. Not a whole lot of vegan for sure. Tons of meats.  I try to focus on Sous vide and modernist stuff but I have a difficult time sticking to one thing… that’s just boring. You’re gonna have to dive in. I love all cuisines and going on and on about how to cook stuff in general.  

Is it a site about sous vide cooking? 

like I said, not mainly but it’s a big part of it. I have been cooking sous vide form many years. I love it. 

Any academic training? 

Nope.  Not in this field. 

 What’s your favourite kitchen tool? 

knives… super sharp. 

What’s your second favourite kitchen tool? 


What’s your favourite ingredient?


What do you shoot with? 

canon gear. Detailed info here.  Any questions just shoot me an email (see what I did there?)

 Are you open to answer questions about your food and photography?

Just ping me. I love questions and I love comments


Wanna get more sous-vide cooking guides and cool cooking how-to’s in your mailbox? You know what needs to be done!

We never spam. You should only be getting updates when new content is posted on the site. We also respect your privacy. We don’t share your email address with anyone and you can unsubscribe anytime!


  1. I dropped by to thank you for your “like” and then I saw “Italians invented yumminess” in your last post’s title. Well, I’d little choice but to hit “follow” right away. 🙂

    1. hahah thank you John! I really mean it… I know spanish and french have dominated the world of cuisine for a while, but that has a lot to do with what Italy achieved in forwarding cooking before their time, at least that’s what I’ve read, and having grown up with tons of italian friends, I like to think I am right in saying so 🙂 your blog is amazing btw, found you through a link on cooking-spree, I love that blog.

    1. really?? 🙂 Sorry it has taken me some time to answer comments, my mom and aunt are visiting and things are a bit hectic around here. Thank you so much for the nomination!!! this is so great! I just checked the link, the rules all seem fair and really fun. I will submit my answers soon. Is there a deadline? Again, thank you for visiting and liking the content! 🙂

  2. First of all, thank you for visiting my blog and commenting… I appreciate it!
    I’ve just read through your blog and wanted to tell you how much I like it. I’ve been burned out on the food blog thing for a while now – thank you for renewing my interest!

    1. that’s an awesome comment specially coming from you, somebody that from what I’ve read loves food and cooking, thank you so much! I’ve got my mom in town and I have to put down my camera and skillet for a few weeks. I can’t wait to start posting again!

    2. maybe I dreamed about replying to your comment, and forgive me if I didn’t, but looking through the comments pending approval ,yours shows up, well, not anymore, I obviously approved it 🙂 I say thank you first of all, I’m really glad that somebody with so much knowledge about food took the time to visit and not only that but to find some inspiration, so thank you really!

      1. Hmmmm, that posed quite a challenge for me too. Some blogs show the number of followers and some do not, so I list my favourite first then just do some guessing games :p

    1. Thank you! I really have to get myself organized. Phuong also nominated me 🙂 and I haven’t found the time to prep the post and notify future nominees 🙂 But I will get to it! just work related stuff has been taking up more time than usual! I just joined your blog! Have you made your own cheese yet?

      1. Well, what can I say, you deserved two nominations! I’ve only made Labneh – does yogurt cheese count? I’m too scared my house will smell like cheese factories and I couldn’t handle that. I might attempt to make some ricotta soon… Can’t wait to see what you post next 🙂

        1. hahahaha thank you! 🙂 I once saw this labneh post on some blog I can’t remember which one and it was an extremely popular post and I have to say I’ve never had labneh or made it myself 😛 and yes, let’s say it counts as cheese haha. If you make white cheeses, those shouldn’t smell at all, like burratta or mozzarella, there are even really good white hard cheeses you could make at home… I’ve tried a couple of times, it is a involved process but sort of fun 🙂 Except for when you don’t have a cheese press and you improvise a horrible contraption that doesn’t really work ahahah

          1. Oh my… what kind of contraption did you improvise? Yeah, I squeezed a little too hard with the labneh and the yogurt kind of went everywhere… From what I’ve been reading, ricotta seems to be the easiest to make and doesn’t smell, so I think I’ll start with that one; I’ll let you know how I go!

  3. Hi Paul! Thanks for stopping by. You also have a gorgeous blog, oh and with gorgeous photos, and I’ll also be stopping by more.

  4. Paul, you have the most beautiful blog. Your photography is incredible as are your recipes, each one a taste explosion!
    I am looking forward to getting to know you better through our blogs.
    Thank you again for stopping by mine.
    Sunny South African regards to you.
    🙂 Mandy

  5. Love your blog, and your beautiful photos. We have a similar philosophy on food and cooking, and will enjoy following you and your creations. Nicely done!

  6. Your images are crisp, vivid and full of light worthy of any great magazine. I have not read any of the recipes yet but there is so much of obvious promise that I press follow and hope to devouring wonderful content as soon I get time.

    1. thank you, Im so glad you’re enjoying the photos, certainly a big reason I blog lately is so I can take pictures to document the recipes, and I really enjoy that. Thanks for following and Im following in return!

    1. Serna Cosmo! awesome name 🙂 thank you so much for nominating me! I will take a look at your post in a sec, but I wanted to thank you first, and let you know that I’m following your blog because it’s beautiful, and shows how passionate you are about cooking. Having that italian tradition as your background is a wonderful gift and advantage when it comes to understanding and loving food. I wish I had that! 🙂

  7. Wow, your blog is simply amazing. I’ve fallen in love with the different types of food and recipes on your site. Your photographs capture each meal perfectly and I will certainly be back here often 🙂

  8. Hi Paul. Thanks for dropping by and liking my post. I’m delighted to have found your blog. Both the recipes and photography are divine. Excited to follow and see what you do next. Best wishes, Jade

  9. Here, here! Well said, Paul. Your recipes look amazing and I’ve only looked at the first page. I wish I could cook without recipes but fortunately I’m not a chef to do so. Salud!

    1. Hi Liuba! I’m so glad you are liking the posts on my blog! I’ve been to your blog, if not a chef (because I think that’s more of a term reserved for somebody who runs a restaurant), you have to be a pretty solid cook, your recipes all look wonderful and your in the photos I can see great cooking technique and attention and passion. I’m not a chef either but I love cooking. I do spend time reading about technique and cooking science so I don’t have always rely on recipes, but they do help. Thank you for following! Let’s stay in touch!

  10. Hi Paul , I stopped by as I was piqued by the name of your blog! (I should have named mine that too! 🙂 ) I browsed through some of your posts and your recipes look very unique and amazing! Following you so I can learn more! 🙂 – Indu

      1. thanks for your nice comments. Do let me know what you find intimidating so I can try and simplify things maybe (for everyone!) thanks for visiting! 🙂

  11. Oh my, I’ve been away for so long it took me quite some time to just scan through all your posts. I just wanna press ‘Like’ all every single one of them, but might seem to weird all of a sudden :p Great job as always! If you have a cookbook, I’ll be on the line to order ^^

    1. Dedy, thanks man! the same I can say about your blog, the amount of information you have, and how technical and precise your recipes are, I wonder how you learned all of that. I never had any training. I just read some books and spend many hours trying stuff in the kitchen. I had had a passion for photography before I got into cooking. And then cooking came along, and I figured I could combine the two. I wish I could spend more time cooking and learning. I really like it.

  12. Hey I love that photo with the dog, is he yours? I currently have a dog in my “about” photo but he’s not mine. I’m going to have a bit of a dive in your archives for cooking ideas for the next week or two 🙂

    1. Hi Sofia! thanks! I wish that dog were mine! 🙂 it’s such a beautiful dog but it’s my friend’s and they love her. Great to hear from you! hope you’re Sunday is wonderful!

  13. I just wanted to drop a note and say thank you for all of your posts. I married into a Venezuelan family (I am Swiss), and both my husband and I are dedicated hobby cooks. You bring together a lot of my passions in one place with beautiful images and great flavors. I made the sous vide asado negro for our Christmas dinner this past year and have won myself a reputation of being a great cook of Venezuelan dishes on par with the best in the family.

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