no-knead bread.

no-knead bread

  You will be able to find many variations of this bread on the internet but the idea behind it is the same.  Skipping the kneading part. No-knead bread requires 12 hours to make…yes, that’s the catch. Takes a little planning but zero physical effort other than moving some bowls from one place to another […]

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Blue Moon Bread

Beer and Bread. How cool is this!? My first beer-fermented-poolish bread! Poolish: 75g bread flour 75g Blue Moon witbier beer (lukewarm) 1/2 packet of highly active yeast Let ferment for 5 hours (should try overnight though) NOTE: A poolish semidry mixture will favor lactic acid formation giving the bread more of a milk-like taste. A […]

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Trenzas de Brioche

Trenzas de Brioche

I’ve been posting way too many fails lately, I have been trying way too many new things too, so not feeling terrible about it….yet! The best thing about failing in the kitchen is… knowing i dont own a restaurant. This trenzas de brioche recipe is one delicious thing I remember eating back in Venezuela, of […]

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brioche part II

So I didn’t give up, and it paid off this time. Last time the result was not a total disaster, but it needed a huge improvement, specially in the texture of it, too dense, crust too hard, so I’m giving it another go here with a much lighter recipe, only 10:1 flour to butter, not […]

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