To continue with my series of posts on quick and easy AND… inexpensive meals and budget cooking (check my beet salad recipe here), I want to talk about chicken soup. I’m from Venezuela. We eat chicken soup like 3 times a week. I’m not joking. And when sick, add 4 more days of chicken soup […]
Pork Miso Ramen Noodle Soup : Pork Belly
Making ramen stock from scratch is a labor intensive process. A traditional pork stock for ramen can take up to 12 hours. I don’t have 12 hours during the day to watch after a stock pot (I have a day job), but nobody said I needed 12 continuous hours. In the course of 2 evenings […]
Lazy Artichoke-Beef-Chicken Soup : Noodles and Potatoes
This simple soup for me was about minimizing waste and trying to make something tasty out of ingredients I can’t seem to find a use for sometimes. I’ve been staring at these 2 artichokes sit at the bottom of my refrigerator for almost a week, pathetic, but can’t get myself motivated enough to cook them […]