Simply…Flan : Coconut Rum : Agave Nectar

I don’t know much about making desserts, I really gotta work on that, the thing is, I’m not crazy about sugar either, not a huge fan of chocolate unless it is nicely sweetened, I do love ice creams, sorbets, sherbets, and custards, and most definitely  flan which is basically a custard. Making  it is pretty easy and quick, it does require to be cooked in a water bath (bain marie) which isn’t really that tricky and a great skill to learn, an oven proof container that can fit the little ramekins, some water, 350 degrees in the oven for about half hour. I usually use condensed milk and coconut milk but I had neither at hand. The beauty about eggs, they are extremely easy going, a custard is delicate, flans are very delicate and rich. For this flan recipe I used coconut flavored rum, heavy cream and agave nectar, I’ll do my best to give quantities, today I wasn’t interested in precise measurements so didn’t take note…cough… more like I was very tired and proper blogging wasn’t gonna happen, I eyeballed ingredients and cooking times… my apologies!


sauce pan
hand mixer
mixing bowl
3 small custard dishes
3 small plates
big baking dish for the bain marie
oven hot at 350f


4 large eggs
1 egg yolk
1/3 cup agave nectar
1/3 cup heavy cream
3 tbsp coconut flavored rum

Sugar Syrup:
4 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp water



01: beat eggs, yolk, agave, cream and rum with hand mixer
02: let rest, you don’t want to many bubbles in the mix

03: in a sauce pan mix sugar and water and bring to a boil
04: let the mix caramelize to a deep amber color
05: add more water if needed. Be careful, syrup can super hot
06: if adding more water, let syrup cool for a couple of minutes
07: add about a tsp of syrup to each custard dish, ramekin
08: let cool a bit, and then add the custard mix to each dish
09: fill each 3/4 of the way, the flan will rise a bit
10: place custar dishes in baking dish, fill with water 1/2 way
11: place bain marie in oven and bake for … ~30 minutes
12: I check every 10 mins and shake the dish until i see custard is set
13: let bake a little bit longer, top will caramelize a bit
14: remove from the oven
15: let cool.
16: with a silicon spatula separate the sides of the flan from dish
17: the flan will detach from the dish if flipped onto a plate
18: refrigerate plates until cold, serve.


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  1. I’m not one much for desserts, too, but I need to make some just so that I can learn to use agave nectar rather than sugar. If i can make a flan that looks half as good as yours here, I’ll be more than happy.

    1. thank you sir! flans are really easy to make, Agave nectar is another sweetener, it contains more water, so adjusting the recipe takes a bit of trial and error, but nothing that couldnt be solved with sticking your finger in the mix, checking the sweetness and the consistency, should be that of a light sauce for a light and fluffy flan, not as thick as to coat the back of a spoon perhaps? i think that would make a really dense one which not necessarily a bad thing either 🙂 (I wouldn’t worry about salmonella either, but if you do, flash blanch the eggs before cracking)

      1. Thanks for the tips. I should just give it a try and learn by doing.
        If there’s any doubt about eggs not being cooked thoroughly, I’ll buy those that have their shells pasteurized. No need to worry at all about salmonella that way.

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