Nicoise Salad

nicoise salad

I’m not a salad kind of guy (way to start off a salad post). I’m more of a bacon, mayo, sunny eggs, rare steaks and anchovies kinda guy but it’s spring time, basically salad season. I don’t hate them either, I just don’t think they’re as exciting to prep as so many other things but […]

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Ramen Noodles : Sardines : Dried Anchovies : Sriracha : Quail Yolk

Sometimes, you just throw whatever you find in the fridge in a pot and magical s%@# happens. THAT… happened to me last night. I didn’t bother checking seasoning or temperatures, pretty careless about the whole thing actually. I was just not in the OCD mood and literally threw this meal together last second almost angrily, well kinda, […]

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