Honey Glazed Yogurt Brioche

Honey Glazed Yogurt Brioche

  Fall is pretty much upon us and the start of a new cooking season begins. One that I personally find exciting and more fun. Not that I have anything against summer cooking, but enough with the salads already! 🙂 Today’s post is about brioche, this combination of flour, butter, eggs and yeast. Its delicate […]

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Blue Moon Bread

Beer and Bread. How cool is this!? My first beer-fermented-poolish bread! Poolish: 75g bread flour 75g Blue Moon witbier beer (lukewarm) 1/2 packet of highly active yeast Let ferment for 5 hours (should try overnight though) NOTE: A poolish semidry mixture will favor lactic acid formation giving the bread more of a milk-like taste. A […]

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brioche… fail!

Brioche = Intimidating!!! tons of steps and this and that, seems crazy! I happen to have all the ingredients at hand today and not much to do, but best of all, it is Saturday, I can forget about this dough in the fridge overnight and get back to it in the am (which some famous […]

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pan de jamon

Christmas Holliday venezuelan recipe, and possibly the only true all venezuelan recipe. Super simple and delicious. Dough: 1 highly active yeast packet 3 cups bread flour 4 tbsp butter 3/4 whole milk 1/4 water (to proof the yeast) 2 tbsp brown sugar 1 tsp salt 1 beaten egg 1 egg yolk + 1 tbs water […]

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