Microwaved Breaky (scrambled eggs and pan roasted potatoes)

Do not stop reading after this off-putting title. Microwaving food has a pretty bad rep, but just because it is associated with heating up frozen dinners, popping corn kernels, making mostly everything put in them soggy or rubbery  and on top of that, the evil magnetron that lurks inside produces deadly radiation, it really doesnt […]

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My Top Ten Time Savers

These are things I’ve tried to put into practice in order to work faster in the kitchen: 1. prep before starting (mise en place) Cutting all the ingredients ahead of time, prepping herbs sachets, portioning birds, meats, peeling fruit, anything thats basically prep work and can be done ahead of time, measuring of ingredients, sharpening […]

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stock clarification part I

This one is fun to do. I started by digging through my freezer and found some old frozen carcasses of chicken, some roasted, some uncooked, I figured I’d make stock. Found some veggies in my fridge, onion, some carrots, celery, 5 cloves of garlic, I chopped these very coarsely, actually, onion only in half, carrots […]

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making bread tips

in no discernible order: 1. stretch test, after kneading, the dough should stretch without breaking. then it’s ready to let stand. Also google, window pane test for brioche breads, and more buttery pastry breads. 2. organic flour the best, there is gluten flour and bread flour, investigate 🙂 organic bread flour high gluten flour difference […]

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My first cheese!

the real mozzarella calls for thermophilic culture and no citric acid. acidity develops in the fridge over a 24 hour period. curds should melt at 170f Using veggie rennet.., not sure if it’s still proper cheese but that’s all I could find in the store. 1 gallon of whole milk (I should try non homogenized […]

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