Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls

  I don’t eat a lot of baked stuff but I love baking stuff. And if I had to choose what my favorite baked thing is, cinnamon rolls would go at the top of my list, well above croissants or … don’t hate me.. donuts… Palmiers are my all time favorite along with french bread, […]

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Microwaved Breaky (scrambled eggs and pan roasted potatoes)

Do not stop reading after this off-putting title. Microwaving food has a pretty bad rep, but just because it is associated with heating up frozen dinners, popping corn kernels, making mostly everything put in them soggy or rubbery  and on top of that, the evil magnetron that lurks inside produces deadly radiation, it really doesnt […]

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Spanish Omelette (Tortilla de Patatas)

Spanish tapas classic! Ingredients: 180g eggs (about 3 large eggs) 180g small dice russet potatoes 3/4 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp black pepper (optional) 1/2 tsp garlic powder (optional) 1/2 tsp oregano flakes (optional) 3/4 tsp Kosher salt 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Method: Add dice potatoes to a small sauce pan, add […]

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brioche part II

So I didn’t give up, and it paid off this time. Last time the result was not a total disaster, but it needed a huge improvement, specially in the texture of it, too dense, crust too hard, so I’m giving it another go here with a much lighter recipe, only 10:1 flour to butter, not […]

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