Zebra Cake

Blogging is an international thing I understand, but I still want to extend a happy thanksgiving day to everyone that’s reading this and celebrated turkey day. And yes, I did 🙂 I cooked something on this wonderful holiday, and I will be posting in the upcoming days. I really want to post about the zebra […]

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Microwave Brioche : Gas Expansion and Starch Gelatinization : The basic idea behind bread

Microwave Brioche | First of all, if you haven't, please follow me on Instagram! :) Brioche in the microwave... well... the soft tender interior that is. I came across this clever idea while browsing the book VOLT ink.: Recipes, Stories, Brothers at a Barnes and Nobles on 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica. Pretty awesome book full of interesting ideas and new and modernists approaches to cooking. I haven't bought it but it is definitely on my list. Although I got the idea from the Voltaggio Bros'. I've also seen similar recipes by Ferran Adrià @thatothercookingblog.com

First of all, if you haven’t, please follow me on Instagram! 🙂 Brioche in the microwave… well… the soft tender interior that is. I came across this clever idea while browsing the book VOLT ink.: Recipes, Stories, Brothers at a Barnes and Nobles on 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica. Pretty awesome book full of […]

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Feuilletage = Puff Pastry = Magic!!!

I finally found some time to make classic puff pastry dough. Been extremely curious about it for a while, well, after tasting the results, this dough has to be the best combination between engineering and food making. Ah… the french, they sure know what they’re doing. I own Jacques Pepin’s “La Technique”, a beautiful book […]

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Peppermint Altoids Brownies

Peppermint Altoids Brownies @ thatothercookingblog.com by Paul Palop

Adapted from David Levobitz “Baked” Altoids Brownies: By the way, David Levobitz blog is an amazing resource for anyone interested in high end baking, cooking, and a good read. First reaction when i read this was, wtf. But it really isnt that crazy a concept, mint and chocolate, eggs… I’m just not a dessert person […]

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Trenzas de Brioche

Trenzas de Brioche

I’ve been posting way too many fails lately, I have been trying way too many new things too, so not feeling terrible about it….yet! The best thing about failing in the kitchen is… knowing i dont own a restaurant. This trenzas de brioche recipe is one delicious thing I remember eating back in Venezuela, of […]

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