Zebra Cake

Blogging is an international thing I understand, but I still want to extend a happy thanksgiving day to everyone that’s reading this and celebrated turkey day. And yes, I did 🙂 I cooked something on this wonderful holiday, and I will be posting in the upcoming days. I really want to post about the zebra […]

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Éclairs : Pastry Cream : Chocolate Glaze


Cooking sweet things is something I’ve recently started to explore more often. It is quite fun, and pastry same as baking is interesting in a scientific way. All those reactions that make puff pastry puff, or choux paste expand yet be hollow inside. Why gluten formation will make butter-rich doughs tough, how temperature and humidity […]

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Peppermint Altoids Brownies

Peppermint Altoids Brownies @ thatothercookingblog.com by Paul Palop

Adapted from David Levobitz “Baked” Altoids Brownies: By the way, David Levobitz blog is an amazing resource for anyone interested in high end baking, cooking, and a good read. First reaction when i read this was, wtf. But it really isnt that crazy a concept, mint and chocolate, eggs… I’m just not a dessert person […]

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chocolate cake

This cake is super moist and airy, very delicate in texture, not overly sweet, just right. Courtesy of Maribeth’s mom 🙂 Wet ingredients: 1+1/2 sticks of soft butter 1+2/3 cups of regular sugar Beat until creamy (10 mins) 3 eggs 1 tps vanilla extract One egg at a time incorporate until airy, 6 more minutes. […]

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