Finally found some time to post about thanksgiving this year. And the famous and anticipated turkey night came and went, it happened so fast! I hope everybody had a great time and survived the cleaning marathon that usually follows the cooking olympics. Three days of prep, about 10-15 hours of cooking, gone in less than […]
A Simple Pumpkin Soup
Yet Another pumpkin soup recipe. I know. The least original thing I could have come up with but it’s fitting right around this time of the year and I like it, so I made it and wanted to share it with you as well, in case you haven’t tried making it. It is really easy […]
Christmas Brioche (Pan de Jamon Variant)
I had to post about this stuffed roll again, because it’s so awesome, I just have to, so… using leftover dough from the Trenzas de Brioche recipe, I made this during Thanksgiving day before the turkey madness started. I still think this brioche stuffed roll was the best dish that day, and it was the […]
Thanksgiving 2012
Brined a la Thomas Keller sous vide turkey breast in mushroom butter sauce with pommes duchesse. I’m sure there were some veggies somewhere in there as well haha! This recipe is a bit more technical and time consuming but the results are worth the effort. Preparation is key… “meez” it up!Two Step Turkey (Recipe for […]