Cream of Black Beans : Kimchi Juice : Yolk


Not many people are fond of black beans. Count myself out! Love black beans, as a side or as its own dish. Extremely popular in all of latin cuisine, black beans are delicious but ONLY when prepared right. I guess that’s pretty much any ingredient. A few years ago, when I was getting started with cooking, I tried making my first batch of black beans. Disaster beans. What can possibly go wrong with something so simple. Cooking dry beans might call for soaking them in water overnight first. Cooking black beans, DEFINITELY requires soaking them in water over night. Skip this step, and… well, disaster beans. Another thing that I learned that time. Don’t cook them in seasoned stock or add salt to the cooking water. The skins will be so tough it might upset your stomach. After taking care of soaking and cooking in plain water, making black beans took a turn in the direction of awesomeness.  Adding stock, salt any other seasonings after the fact was the way to go. A bit counterintuitive but it’s actually the only way I would ever cook these little guys. I apply the same philosophy to any legumes really.





Another ingredient has the ability to take black beans into the next level. Sugar. And not just a pinch. I actually add a lot, and they don’t become sweet, they just become even more awesome.

In this edition of black beans, I’ve also included kimchi juice. For two reason. First. I hate throwing away good stuff. I eat a lot of kimchi. I usually have leftover kimchi liquid in the fridge. Second. Kimchi juice and black beans, a match made in heaven.  That layer of heat is incredible. Any other source of heat would have a similar impact, but what can I say. I love kimchi… oh.. and eggs.

Ingredients (makes 4-6 servings):


1 Cup of dry black beans.
1 liter of chicken or beef stock (reduced to about 1/2 Cup)
1/3 Cup Kimchi Juice
4 Scallions
4 Garlic Cloves
1/2 Tbsp tomato paste


Egg yolks.
Cilantro leafs.

The beans. Soak in water overnight. Discard the water the next day before cooking. Cover with water and pressure cook for 40 mins at 15 psi. About 1.5 hours if cooking traditionally.  In another pan, reduce the stock, add the garlic and scallions to this pan as well as the tomato paste and kimchi juice. Once reduced. Combine the cooked beans with the stock, include the garlic and scallions. Blend until smooth. Season with sugar and salt to taste. Add the garnishes and serve. Bon appetit!




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  1. Hi Paul, another great looking dish. Interesting isn’t it how salt can affect the cooking time. Same goes for acid/alkaline. Neither beans or kimchi have featured on my table, so lots of inspiration in your post.

    1. Hi Stefan, thanks for your kind comment! Salt is a magical thing, yes. I hope you give kimchi a chance. I’ve made it at home a few times as well, but never posted about it.

  2. Looks very nice. Love the colors here. I am very intrigued by the sugar here. I cook a lot of black beans but adding sugar has never occurred to me. Any high level guidance about how much you typically add to a cup of dry beans? A tablespoon or two? More?

  3. I have never made black beans before and now I’m very inspired to do so. This looks (and sounds) absolutely delicious. Love the presentation and the smoothness of your beans.

    1. Thank you! 🙂 I wanted to run my beans through a chinoise after I took the photos to really get that satin finish, but it was too late and i was too hungry haha. I hope your black bean adventure turns out delicious!

  4. I adore black beans and use them on my salads and in my soups and patties. They are the most nutritious and delicious beans in my opinion. I have to try them with kimchi juice. That sounds very delicious. By the way I LOVE your photos :).

    1. Thank you and totally agree, although lentils… are up there with black beans on my list 🙂 following back! I’m so glad you like my photos!

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