Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus

title="Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus |"


Finished plugging all the social icons I wanted to share and I even spent some time cleaning up my accounts (facebook | twitter |instagram | bloglovin and pinterest!). I have a serious case of OCD these days… I’m sure some will disagree. Just these days? I guess the older I get the worse it becomes. Probably because my memory isn’t as good as it  once used to be and I reply in organization to help me know where shit is. That extends to this site and all other aspects of my life. I haven’t made the bed yet… so I’m not a total lost cause. I’m still lying in it I should add. I wanna go to the beach. I still don’t own a car. Maybe I’ll walk the 2 miles and get it over with. I would like to stop by the Shack, grab a few beers and head to the beach and get caught up with my sleep and work some more on my farmers tan.

Anyways, while cleaning up and sorting through my pics I came across these. I took them over a year ago when I was in Vancouver. I don’t know why I never posted them. So will post them now. Top sirloin needs no intro and neither does canned octopus (if you can find spanish/galician canned octopus then go for it without questioning my logic)  and this post isn’t even a recipe, actually searing a steak and adding some canned is obviously a no-brainer but my homegrown radishes featured in the pics weren’t and that’s why I wanted so badly to plate some food and get those little guys in there. I also added my homegrown parsley. I can’t wait to get back into growing my own stuff but that will have to wait until I finish relocating to Los Angeles. Hopefully a matter of 2 weeks now.  


Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus

Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus

Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus



Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus

Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus


enjoy the weekend! and don’t forget to follow me on: facebook | twitter |instagram | bloglovin and pinterest


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      1. Oh and PS, I had to chuckle about the OCD as you seem a pretty detail-oriented guy on most days. Not that there is anything wrong with that, as I am sure it helps to make this blog as fine as it is!

        1. it’s ok hahaha, the OCD just makes me pretty… you know.. when you can’t stand if the straight edges of things aren’t perfectly lined up or you lock the door and 3 seconds later check to see if it’s locked… either way thank you and I’m really glad to be in touch again. Have a great day!

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