Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus

title="Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus |"

  Finished plugging all the social icons I wanted to share and I even spent some time cleaning up my accounts (facebook | twitter |instagram | bloglovin and pinterest!). I have a serious case of OCD these days… I’m sure some will disagree. Just these days? I guess the older I get the worse it becomes. Probably because my memory isn’t as […]

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Octopus Galician Style : Pulpo a la Gallega : The Tenderness of a Stubborn Cephalopod

Octopus Galician Style : Pulpo a la Gallega

Another change of plans. Muffins were on the list last night. Why? Because I love baking and my blogger friend Phuong from My Kitchen of Love added this great post on savory muffins which I found inspiring. I have never baked muffins in my life so I figured these would be a great first but the […]

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