Kimchi: The Gist

It’s been a while since my last fermentation post on this blog but make no mistake, this house is full of LAB (lactic acid fermentation bacteria, the good guys) and stuff here ferments 24/7 … multiple projects going all at the same time… It’s a bit intense sometimes. I’m getting into fruit Lacto-fermentation now and […]

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spicy ginger pork and ramen noodles.

Ok, yes, I got extremely lazy this time and chose the easy way out.  Pork meat already marinaded… as in.. the marinade sits in the pack with the raw pork… roll your eyes all you want but it looked like heaven to me. I haven’t done this in at least 10 years. I remember back in […]

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chicken drumstick : 5 spice brine : crispy ginger fried rice : plum chili sauce

My first time cooking for a a fellow blogger’s project. Last night I prepped this dish as a submission for a fun cooking project at, with a few restrictions, this cooking challenge was very attractive, it forced me to leave my comfort zone and try some new flavors and explore chinese cuisine a bit. Base […]

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