Quail Scotch Eggs

Here’s my take on quail scotch eggs. The recipe is rather simple but it does require some attention to cooking times unless you want to serve quail scotch rubber balls. I know it sounds kinda daunting deep-frying a hard-boiled egg, especially a tiny one like a quail egg but it isn’t that hard, like I said, […]

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spicy ginger pork and ramen noodles.

Ok, yes, I got extremely lazy this time and chose the easy way out.  Pork meat already marinaded… as in.. the marinade sits in the pack with the raw pork… roll your eyes all you want but it looked like heaven to me. I haven’t done this in at least 10 years. I remember back in […]

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Butchering Lesson.

Butchering Lesson @ thatothercookingblog.com

Before we go any further I want to warn you. I just participated in the killing of a pig.  I also documented it with pictures. I will do my best to avoid excessively-graphic imagery but as you may know,  the process of butchering an animal is a dramatic event so if you’re not comfortable with this kind of […]

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Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!

title="Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits! | thatothercookingblog.com"

Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!  Yeah, this is gonna be a quick update and a quick recipe. I have finally migrated my old wordpress.com site entirely over to this new .org world. Wasn’t easy. Today I spend the day redirecting URLs, optimizing images, fixing broken links. This the the cool thing about self-hosting. You have […]

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