Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!

title="Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits! |"

Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!  Yeah, this is gonna be a quick update and a quick recipe. I have finally migrated my old site entirely over to this new .org world. Wasn’t easy. Today I spend the day redirecting URLs, optimizing images, fixing broken links. This the the cool thing about self-hosting. You have access to all these free tools to make your site better so that’s what I did today. Took a long time but it’s definitely a lot faster now. Next step: Work on the look of the blog itself. I have a few ideas but it will take some time, specially because I have zero css/php coding experience. It’s gonna be interesting. 

Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!


Anyways, Eggs, Pisto and pork bits. That was last night dinner. Pisto is something I grew eating. I love its simplicity. Some bell peppers, some onions, some tomatoes, some garlic, salt and pepper.  I love it a bit sharp so I add some lemon juice at the end. Bell peppers can be overwhelmingly sweet.  Nothing wrong with that but…. So, chop a couple of bell pepper, half and onion, add about 1/2 Tsp tomato paste or a few nice ripe tomatoes, a bit of garlic and some salt and pepper. Sauté until everything is soft… about 15 mins. Reduce until most of the liquid has evaporated…make sure to be seasoning with salt as you go and sure, you can add some pepper as well.  Try to get some caramelization going too… and when everything looks happy, remove from the fire and add a splash of lemon juice. Let it rest and add a bit of water at the end. It should be creamy in the end. Ah, I added my leftover green beans from that pork and chicken paella recipe


Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!


For the eggs. You know you will only find sunny side up eggs on this blog so don’t even try. I get it… but I don’t. Why would anyone want eggs with no sunny side… overcast eggs… oh well… cook them however you like. The ones on this post I cook on a stainless steel pan. Most people would recommend a nonstick pan but if you heat up oil on a stainless steel pan very hot right about when the oil is about to start burning, the surface of the pan becomes non-sticky. You can even discard the oil in the pan at that point…. then add the eggs. Turn off the heat and let them cook until just set. Using a lid can control the cooking of the surface if needed. Anyways, it’s a lot of fun if you’re into cooking eggs. 


Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!

The pork bits. Ok, I got this pack of pork labeled… pork for stewing…already pre-cut. It was pretty lean too… like pork loin…  so I cooked it on a searing hot pan as fast as possible to avoid drying it out and making it tough. It was tender and juicy and delicious. I love this one skillet dinners. All is cooked using the same pan. This pan looks like it’s been through hell. I love it and it cost like 30 bucks. Take that All-Clad! 

Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!

I’ll skip the recipe card tonight. Too tired to get into it right now! Night night. 


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  1. Congratulations on your new blog sight. You meal is one that I know my husband would enjoy, especially with those perfectly cooked eggs.

    1. Hi Karen! thank you!!!! I still have to figure out how to keep on top of comments. Your didn’t send me a notification… I just saw it looking at the comments inbox in wordpress directly…. arrrrrgh! Anyways, have a wonderful weekend!

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