So… remember that octopus dish from like 20 minutes ago… leftovers went into a second dish which was basically a simplification of the former. I love squid ink. I know it looks terrifying but the flavor is quiet spectacular. I would expect nothing less from (let me get my reading glasses…) a highly developed bio-defence […]
Pickled Baby Octopus and Baby Spinach Sour Coulis
That’s a lot of babies. Yikes! Oh well…. It’s done now and it was deeeelish. No regrets. Random question… do you ever not get on the bus just because there’s too much people on it already? Clear sign that overpopulation isn’t good, and certainly not good for the baby octopi out there. The octopus. Super smart creature…. […]
Sous Vide Lamb Shank and Sour Spinach Coulis. 72h 55C
Somehow managed to escape the gruelling office hours just before I totally ran out of whatever positive emotional energy I had left in me. This will be a quick post. I have to go back into hiding before anyone finds me. So… Lamb shanks. Yeah! that’s exciting stuff right? The easiest thing in the world too. […]
Sous Vide Blade Roast Marinated in Mirin and Garlic. 12h 52C 24h
I’m officially kicking off fall cooking season with this super quick post. To your relieve it will be extremely short. Actually the recipe and the instructions are pretty much in the post title so if you choose to, you could stop reading here. If you’re still here, let me tell you that it doesn’t really get […]
Quick and Easy Braised Chicken in Tomato Sauce with Saffron Potatoes
Another recipe for the budget cooking series. Braised chicken in tomato sauce with saffron potatoes. I think it qualifies. Skip the saffron which can be a bit pricey specially if getting the good stuff. There’s even an ISO standard for it…that’s just crazy, although this spice is so unique and amazing I shouldn’t be this surprised. […]
Easy Creamy Mushroom Crepes! Crepes aux Champignon! More Budget Cooking!
And… back to more budget cooking. Easy Creamy Mushroom Crepes. Fall is here, which means… at least in my world… more exciting cooking. I’m all for quick summery meals, but the real fun begins when slow cooking kicks in. This recipe today might be one of my last summery meals of the year… with some exceptions […]
Super Easy Garbanzo and Sausage Soup. More budget cooking!
This awesome recipe concludes my budget cooking repertoire for the weekend. I have meals to last me a couple of weeks now. If you missed my previous 2 recipes… here they are: Chicken Soup and Beet and Cole Slaw Salad. Garbanzos have been an obsession of mine since I can remember.I love them in cold […]
Super Easy Chicken Soup! More Budget Cooking!
To continue with my series of posts on quick and easy AND… inexpensive meals and budget cooking (check my beet salad recipe here), I want to talk about chicken soup. I’m from Venezuela. We eat chicken soup like 3 times a week. I’m not joking. And when sick, add 4 more days of chicken soup […]
Super Easy Beets, Eggs, Corn and Cole Slaw Salad
After a well deserved 2 week vacation, some budget cooking was in order. I love budget cooking, batch cooking, storing, freezing, pickling, canning, etc. I remember years ago when I first started blogging about food, budget cooking was the reason for ever getting into this cooking world. I didn’t post as much then, actually, I kept […]
Crispy Oven Rosted Potatoes : 24h Kosher Salt Brine
It’s always the simple things. In cooking, at least in my experience, a single ingredient cooked simply can steal the show even if it’s the “side” thing. If you like potatoes, this is usually the case. I never thought I’d be writing about baked potatoes on my blog… but I got over myself and did it! […]