I know… still, tomatoes and salad and grilling season out there and today’s post could be a holiday meal. I personally think that delicious food like slow roasted meats should be more common throughout the year if we love them so much. Specially because they are so easy to make and the only thing deterring […]
Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe : Sodium Citrate : Velvety and Emulsified Cheese Sauces
Summer is slowly slipping away. It has been about a month since I last posted. I’ve in town but I’ve been away from my blog. I haven’t for once stopped thinking about it though, but a break was in the schedule, my mom and aunt came to visit me. I wish I could have continued blogging […]
Chocolate Zucchini Muffins : Nuts, Cranberries and Raisins too! : My First Muffins
And finally muffins up in here. Chocolate Zucchini Muffins to be precise. I think a food blog isn’t one until some sort of muffin recipe is in there but anyways I feel like I’v been in blogging detox for weeks… and it didn’t do anything to deter my wanting to get back into it. I […]
Salmon Risotto
First of all, I only started enjoying salmon recently. For the longest time I saw it as a dry flaky mess lacking flavor. It just seemed boring to me. I think I must have had it a few times at restaurants when I first came to the US and the experience was ok. What I […]
Beautiful Tomato Sauce : Pasta al Pomodoro : Wonderful Red
The weather has not been terribly hot the last 2 weeks but that just summer taking a step back before it scorches all of southern california just in time for my birthday. Life in the kitchen has been more bearable. The AC unit has been repaired and although the power bill will go up in […]
Éclairs : Pastry Cream : Chocolate Glaze
Cooking sweet things is something I’ve recently started to explore more often. It is quite fun, and pastry same as baking is interesting in a scientific way. All those reactions that make puff pastry puff, or choux paste expand yet be hollow inside. Why gluten formation will make butter-rich doughs tough, how temperature and humidity […]
Split Pea Soup : Ham Hock Stock : A Perfect Lunch Break
I finally found some time to cook for the week. I love making soups. They are relatively simple to make and can be stored very conveniently. I used to eat lunch out everyday at work which was expensive. Recently (a few years ago) I started looking for a way to save money on food so […]
Beer Can Roasted Chicken : Garlic Thyme Butter
Beer Can Roasted Chicken. This is a subject I’ve been meaning to write about for a long time. Roasting a chicken. Roasting a whole bird poses some challenges. Trying to get the right part of the chicken to cook at the right temperature is nearly impossibly as whole. The easy way out and more precise approach […]
Pasteurizing Eggs or Mayo at Home : Sous Vide : 134.6 °F for 2hr
And more on eggs… I don’t think there’s any other ingredient I find as fascinating as eggs. In my previous post on homemade mayo/aioli, I talked about an incredibly easy way to get the emulsion going with the help of a hand blender then I wondered how many people out there could be concerned with […]
Octopus Galician Style : Pulpo a la Gallega : The Tenderness of a Stubborn Cephalopod
Another change of plans. Muffins were on the list last night. Why? Because I love baking and my blogger friend Phuong from My Kitchen of Love added this great post on savory muffins which I found inspiring. I have never baked muffins in my life so I figured these would be a great first but the […]