Before we get into this paella de pollo y cochino let me explain where I’ve been these last 3 weeks (I did mention it in the previous post but I still have a bit left I need to get out of my system). So 3 weeks agoI was getting ready to move my site to a […]
The Wings of Change! Miso Glaze. Game On!
The Wings of Change! Miso Glaze….. Never thought it would come to this but here we are, game day, chicken wings. I officially joined the other 3 trillion food blogs featuring wings today in America. Nothing wrong with that. I love those marvellous things so why not make my own wings my own way. I have to […]
The Simplest Roasted Chicken I Can Think of.
On this blog I have a bunch of chicken recipes. Two reasons. It’s delicious but it’s also tricky, right? Anyone can overcook a chicken. I do it all the time. By proper standards the chicken above is overcooked. The only way to not overcook a chicken is to break it down and cook the different muscle […]
Coq au vin blanc : Wishing you a Delicious 2016!
Not much to report in the last few weeks other than I’ve been MIA again and that day job nightmares which I will spare the reader from reading are responsible for actual nightmares and my long absence… but finally I found a moment in the kitchen the day of New Year’s Eve. Just hours before 2016 this dish was in the making […]
Sous Vide Chicken Liver Pate. 2h 68C.
I start every post with a photo. Another fact about this blog. No ads. Ok, another one. It’s not a site about recipes, It’s some sort of cooking journal. I write about adventures in cooking and I share them. That’s how this blog started and that how it stays. One more, ok. As much as I bash on […]
Buttermilk and Lime Fried Chicken.
Thomas Keller has something to do with this post. Actually, he has everything to do with this post. I didn’t follow his recipe for buttermilk fried chicken which I’ve made once before. I do follow him on twitter tho. I’m a horrible twitter user too. I don’t know how to use that thing or why anyone […]
Quick and Easy Braised Chicken in Tomato Sauce with Saffron Potatoes
Another recipe for the budget cooking series. Braised chicken in tomato sauce with saffron potatoes. I think it qualifies. Skip the saffron which can be a bit pricey specially if getting the good stuff. There’s even an ISO standard for it…that’s just crazy, although this spice is so unique and amazing I shouldn’t be this surprised. […]
12h Saline Brine : Sous Vide Cornish Hen 62.3C 3h : Yellow Mustard
Sous Vide Cornish Hen? What the hell is a Cornish hen and why are they not more popular? At least not in the parts of North America I’ve been to, and that’s Los Angeles and Vancouver. The Cornish hen they sell at supermarkets is a hybrid chicken, a cross between two chicken species and I’m gonna guess […]
Poached and Grilled Whole Chicken : Guinness Beer Glaze : Grilled Leeks and Bell Peppers
… that was a long title…. but certain recipes require long winded descriptions or at least this one does because it’s awesome. Sometimes I get lucky in the kitchen and things turn out the way I imagine… sometimes I don’t. Plenty of kitchen disaster and drama in the past, but not this time. This was pure awesomeness. […]
Rosemary and Garlic Roasted Chicken : Home Ketchup : Home Fries
I roast a chicken every other week on average. I’ve tried many different techniques and many different combinations and it’s hard for me to choose one method over another. Sous vide equipment aside (which yields the juiciest of chickens, sous vide cooking is almost cheating, seriously), the oven can do a pretty good job as well […]