Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls

  I don’t eat a lot of baked stuff but I love baking stuff. And if I had to choose what my favorite baked thing is, cinnamon rolls would go at the top of my list, well above croissants or … don’t hate me.. donuts… Palmiers are my all time favorite along with french bread, […]

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Pan Roasted Sablefish (from British Columbia) : Asparagus Puree : Saffron Potatoes : Paprika

The weather finally turns cooler around here in BC, and the disposition to cook and write about food and cooking seems to be coming back (It was extremely hot!) but anyways, this is a recipe I prepared a around july, right at the beginning of the horrible hot weather season, which in turn offered some of […]

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Short Ribs Sous Vide 72h 54C : Wine Reduction : Chimichurri : Garlic Sprouts

I like it when the ingredients drive the recipe. I found these beautiful short ribs at the store and immediately dropped whatever cooking plans I had previously.   I picked a few more things for the wine reduction as well. 72 hours later, I picked the rest of the ingredients, like the garnishes and such. After […]

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