no-knead bread.

no-knead bread

  You will be able to find many variations of this bread on the internet but the idea behind it is the same.  Skipping the kneading part. No-knead bread requires 12 hours to make…yes, that’s the catch. Takes a little planning but zero physical effort other than moving some bowls from one place to another […]

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Nicoise Salad

nicoise salad

I’m not a salad kind of guy (way to start off a salad post). I’m more of a bacon, mayo, sunny eggs, rare steaks and anchovies kinda guy but it’s spring time, basically salad season. I don’t hate them either, I just don’t think they’re as exciting to prep as so many other things but […]

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broiled trout with green beans and cilantro

Broiled trout

I have been working on my blog trying to get as much ready/fixed as I can before I get distracted with paying bills and actual work in a couple of week. I still have to setup the new-post notification for non subscribers and I would love to get a newsletter going. It’s a full time […]

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Tuna Pasta.

tuna pasta

This tuna pasta is one of those recipes that brings back a great deal of good memories. I was making something similar back in high school.  Cheap canned tuna, cheap canned tomatoes sauce and cheap pasta. That’s all we needed (that’s I need today). Back then I was usually tasked with any vacation/camping trip cooking needs…actually would […]

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Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!

title="Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits! |"

Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!  Yeah, this is gonna be a quick update and a quick recipe. I have finally migrated my old site entirely over to this new .org world. Wasn’t easy. Today I spend the day redirecting URLs, optimizing images, fixing broken links. This the the cool thing about self-hosting. You have […]

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