Short Ribs Sous Vide 72h 54C : Wine Reduction : Chimichurri : Garlic Sprouts

I like it when the ingredients drive the recipe. I found these beautiful short ribs at the store and immediately dropped whatever cooking plans I had previously.   I picked a few more things for the wine reduction as well. 72 hours later, I picked the rest of the ingredients, like the garnishes and such. After […]

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Turkey Breast Roulade Sous Vide 140F : Beer Braised Savoy Cabbage : Cranberry Chutney : Gravy

Turkey Breast Roulade Sous Vide

Finally found some time to post about thanksgiving this year. And the famous and anticipated turkey night came and went, it happened so fast! I hope everybody had a great time and  survived the cleaning marathon that usually follows the cooking olympics. Three days of prep, about 10-15 hours of cooking, gone in less than […]

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