my new IC!

Not really new. Bought it second hand on eBay 🙂 Wanna get more sous-vide cooking guides and cool cooking how-to’s in your mailbox? You know what needs to be done! Please enter your Email: We never spam. You should only be getting updates when new content is posted on the site. We also respect your […]

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Corned beef!!

Simple recipes. Look up. Turned out really good. Boil for 1 hour in pressure cooker. Just water, no stock. Wanna get more sous-vide cooking guides and cool cooking how-to’s in your mailbox? You know what needs to be done! Please enter your Email: We never spam. You should only be getting updates when new content […]

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My first cheese!

the real mozzarella calls for thermophilic culture and no citric acid. acidity develops in the fridge over a 24 hour period. curds should melt at 170f Using veggie rennet.., not sure if it’s still proper cheese but that’s all I could find in the store. 1 gallon of whole milk (I should try non homogenized […]

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DIY immersion circulator demise

And finally, I ruined my IC. In a stupid attempt at making cheese at home. The coils heated the milk to 70 degrees Celsius and the temperature around the coils was hot enough to burn the solids in the milk and create a crust that caused them to overheat and fry. Wanna get more sous-vide […]

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DIY immersion circulator

Here are some pics of the first immersion circulator I ever used. Built it form scratch based off a DIY project by Scott Heimendinger feature on his blog   Ever since I built it, I’ve been introduced to a new understanding of how heat affects foods. Best 75 bucks I’ve spent. If you wanna […]

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Spherification testing

Sodium alginate and calcium chloride. Basic spherification. Amount of alginate was too high, need to test with half the percentage, I think I went up to 2% Wanna get more sous-vide cooking guides and cool cooking how-to’s in your mailbox? You know what needs to be done! Please enter your Email: We never spam. You […]

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