The pasta in the picture isn’t fresh pasta nor is it cooked. It’s basically dry pasta that has been reconstituted. These dry noodles have been soaked in water before cooking. But why would anyone do something like this? well, I personally find it very useful. Here are my top 5 reasons! check ’em out: I don’t […]
How to pan sear a salmon fillet
Fish can scare some cooks away. They scare me too for sure, specially underwater but cooking fish is actually pretty easy and this post is about getting it all done in one skillet in one go. There are many other ways of cooking fish but let’s focus on skillet cooking today. Cold fish. I like […]
how to dry tomatoes on the stove
Dehydration or drying is one of those cool things one does in the kitchen without thinking about it too much. Like reducing a sauce for example. The whole point is not so much about thickening the liquid but to concentrate the flavor. You can thicken up a liquid by adding thickeners anyways. By means of dehydration, the […]
Pan seared pork chops. Cucumber and corn salad.
Another one of those recipes that almost got left behind during my transition to a self -hosted account. I took the photos weeks ago and I even uploaded them to my site but never got around to write about it which is weird.. guess was distracted by trying not to destroy my blog while making […]
Keeping Delicate Herbs Fresh
I came REALLY late to this party but I will share this find anyways just in case anyone out there goes “what?!” Keeping delicate herbs fresh… and by fresh herbs I mean the ones you get at the store.. you know, those parsley or cilantro bunches held together by a plastic band or some wire? yeah, those. […]
Recipe: Easy Steak and Eggs Sous Vide!
I don’t have a kitchen of my own at the moment. I just left my old apartment, the rain and my job in Vancouver and decided to go back to LA, city in which I started my blog a few years ago. I won’t bore anyone with the details of the last 2 months of […]
Sous Vide Beef Tenderloin Medallion. 52C 1h
Really quick post. Not really a recipe. I mean, the recipe is in the title if anything. Not much more to it other than mentioning that the golden brown crust came from flash frying the whole medallions in Ghee @ 450F for about 15 secs. I just wanted to log this to keep record since is probably the […]
The Simplest Roasted Chicken I Can Think of.
On this blog I have a bunch of chicken recipes. Two reasons. It’s delicious but it’s also tricky, right? Anyone can overcook a chicken. I do it all the time. By proper standards the chicken above is overcooked. The only way to not overcook a chicken is to break it down and cook the different muscle […]
Chicken Nightmares.
If you’re a bit OCD, you like chicken and you like to cook it yourself , this post might be of interest. I know I keep talking about chicken. I talk about chicken a LOT. Because I love chicken and I can recount the few times I have had a good chicken dish at a […]
A Simple Ham and Tomato Omelette : Homegrown Purple Basil
Quite possibly the simplest recipe I’ve ever posted here. But if you have been cooking for some time, you know simplicity is usually a good thing. The ham I used on this recipe comes from an older post. I’m calling it ham, although ham usually involves a pink salt cure containing nitrites… so it’s […]