Fresh Pasta 101

Fresh Pasta 101 @ by Paul Palop

This is another one of those skills anyone serious about cooking should probably learn. Making your own pasta is extremely satisfying, rewarding and yummy! Tools: A scale. A place to mix stuff, cutting board or stand mixer bowl or glass bowl, etc. Cutting surface to roll dough or pasta press. Knife, cookie cutter, pizza cutter, […]

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leg o’ lamb!

Extremely easy recipe,  oh yeah, the photo… these couple of young sheep smiling on top of a New Zealand hill in the south Island, that’s the only photo I was able to find in my pbase site… hint… hint… have a look 🙂 Ok, back to this dish of which no photo exists, because it […]

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A little inspiration…

Put your heart and soul into what you cook Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. ~ Harriet van Horne – an American newspaper columnist and film/television critic Put time and care into your cooking Enchant, stay beautiful and graceful, but do this, eat well. Bring the […]

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Plantain Bread? Yes!

This is the story of  3 plantains that I happened to buy at the store  in the middle of winter, it is Souther California so I don’t feel that bad for not being seasonal? plantains grow all year round just a few hours south of my apartment, who are we kidding… and with Christmas around […]

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Post-Turkey-Day French Navy Beans

Exactly… what the hell would you do with that leftover turkey stock that took 6 hours to make, quarts of it, only to end up using a few cups to make some gravy or some reduced sauce for turkey dinner…. it’s been sitting in the freezer since until tonight! No more! iIt has been repurposed… […]

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freshwater-seafood risotto

Tonight I had some cooked crawfish I bought at the supermarket and by that I mean I bought them already cooked.  I haven’t  had crawfish before, and as it very frequently happens, I ended up eating whatever new thing I try. They are quite addictive actually, they tasted nothing like shrimps, if anything, their taste […]

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Microwaved Breaky (scrambled eggs and pan roasted potatoes)

Do not stop reading after this off-putting title. Microwaving food has a pretty bad rep, but just because it is associated with heating up frozen dinners, popping corn kernels, making mostly everything put in them soggy or rubbery  and on top of that, the evil magnetron that lurks inside produces deadly radiation, it really doesnt […]

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