Turkey Breast Roulade Sous Vide 140F : Beer Braised Savoy Cabbage : Cranberry Chutney : Gravy

Turkey Breast Roulade Sous Vide

Finally found some time to post about thanksgiving this year. And the famous and anticipated turkey night came and went, it happened so fast! I hope everybody had a great time and  survived the cleaning marathon that usually follows the cooking olympics. Three days of prep, about 10-15 hours of cooking, gone in less than […]

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Zebra Cake

Blogging is an international thing I understand, but I still want to extend a happy thanksgiving day to everyone that’s reading this and celebrated turkey day. And yes, I did 🙂 I cooked something on this wonderful holiday, and I will be posting in the upcoming days. I really want to post about the zebra […]

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A Simple Pumpkin Soup

A Simple Pumpkin Soup @ thatothercookingblog.com

Yet Another pumpkin soup recipe. I know. The least original thing I could have come up with but it’s fitting right around this time of the year and I like it, so I made it and wanted to share it with you as well, in case you haven’t tried making it. It is really easy […]

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