Sous Vide Swordfish Tacos. 54C 30min.

sous vide swordfish tacos. 54C 30min. @

Certain ingredients can be misunderstood, others, I just simply don’t like. Swordfish I basically hated. But it was all nothing but a big misunderstanding.  Understandably so. I still remember the first time somebody grilled swordfish steaks at some party and offered me a piece. It was like eating really densely packed sawdust and pretending to love it. […]

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Butchering Lesson.

Butchering Lesson @

Before we go any further I want to warn you. I just participated in the killing of a pig.  I also documented it with pictures. I will do my best to avoid excessively-graphic imagery but as you may know,  the process of butchering an animal is a dramatic event so if you’re not comfortable with this kind of […]

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