Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus

title="Top Sirloin and Galician Canned Octopus |"

  Finished plugging all the social icons I wanted to share and I even spent some time cleaning up my accounts (facebook | twitter |instagram | bloglovin and pinterest!). I have a serious case of OCD these days… I’m sure some will disagree. Just these days? I guess the older I get the worse it becomes. Probably because my memory isn’t as […]

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Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!

title="Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits! |"

Eggs, Pisto and Pork Bits!  Yeah, this is gonna be a quick update and a quick recipe. I have finally migrated my old site entirely over to this new .org world. Wasn’t easy. Today I spend the day redirecting URLs, optimizing images, fixing broken links. This the the cool thing about self-hosting. You have […]

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Getting my blog back on its feet!

Getting my blog back on its feet!

After a long downtime I think I’m finally getting my blog back up and ready as a blog! I still have tons to figure out, specially why all of a sudden my site dropped off the search engines indexes. The blog is live and the URL is valid and working but for whatever reason, […]

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Moving to the ORG world.

  Hey guys, the time has come. I will be moving my domain over to a self hosted server and I will be saying good bye to I’ve been with for 4 years. Since I don’t know what I’m doing things might go a little weird and if anyone out there reads this blog […]

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My Food Photography Gear.

My Food Photography Gear @ by Paul Palop

Some of you have asked me about food photography and what kind of gear I use to photograph the food on this blog so I’ve taken some time to write a little bit about it here. I love photographing food and sharing what I know. I’ve written about phone photography  here and there but it’s not usually […]

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